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A Gilmore Girls Guide to South Royalton, VT

Things to do in South Royalton, VT, the tiny town in the opening credits of Gilmore Girls!

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Year visited: 2024

Time of year: October

When you think of Gilmore Girls towns to visit, you usually think of Connecticut. The show was, after all, based on and set in a small town from the state.

However, the whole New England area is full of charming small towns that are reminiscent of the fictional Stars Hollow from the show. And some of them were even used as filming locations, so they actually were Stars Hollow!

In fact, the main scenes from the pilot episode weren’t even filmed in the US. They were filmed in a small town called Unionville, ON, just outside of Toronto.

But the aerial view you see of the charming little town with the white steeple church surrounded by colorful fall leaves in the opening credits of every episode… THAT is actually South Royalton, VT.

So naturally I had to plan a Gilmore Girls themed pit stop while I was on my fall New England road trip!

What’s in this Article?

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South Royalton is a small town in central Vermont, not far from the New Hampshire border. The most notable thing about this little town is that it is the home of Vermont’s only law school: Vermont Law & Graduate School. As such, there are quite a few coffee shops and restaurants in town, oft frequented by the students.

The population of South Royalton is less than 1000! It’s not typically known as a big tourist destination, except for one random demographic: Gilmore Girls fans (that’s me!).

The Gilmore Girls Connection

In the opening credits scene of every Gilmore Girls episode is an aerial view of a sleepy little town with a white steeple church overlooking the town green.

South Royalton, VT is that town!

The Aerial View of South Royalton

As an avid fan, I obviously wanted to find the iconic aerial viewpoint over the South Royalton town green, but despite all my research and conversations with the locals, I wasn’t able to get it myself.

The locals I talked to in the coffee shop weren’t sure where to get the view, but they surmised either from the highway, or perhaps along the hike to Kent’s Ledge.

Kent’s Ledge is a hike I had read about, and also assumed the view might lie along its path. However, what I did read about Kent’s Ledge wasn’t exactly encouraging, as the supposed trail takes you through chained off tunnels and past private property signs.

You can read this review of the hike, which does jive with what I was told in town. The woman explained to me to cross the train tracks, go past the dumpster, and hike up the hill behind the restaurant.

I was willing to try it… until I stepped outside, saw the private property signs, and the other people walking past. Then I got scared and decided not to…

So I drove 15 minutes backwards to get gas and then hop on the highway to see what I could see.

I did see South Royalton as I drove down the highway. Briefly. As in, I saw the steeples and of churches and the roofs of buildings for a hot second as I buzzed past.

However, since this article describes the view from the hill, and I’ve come across many pictures of it, I believe it’s safe to assume that you can in fact get an aerial view of South Royalton… if you know where to go (so if anyone has, be sure to share that in the comments below!).

Is South Royalton Stars Hollow?

When planning my trip, I came across this video made by one of the Vermont Law School students, which I greatly enjoyed (thanks Rocket!).

South Royalton literally sounded like Stars Hollow in the flesh!!! A pizza shop, a burger shop, a coffee shop, a taco shop, a local diner, AND a market?!?!?!?! Not to mention the town green and bookstore!

Unfortunately, South Royalton has changed a little bit since this video was made, and it’s not quite the Stars Hollow that I expected.

That being said, it has plenty of small town charm and more than enough restaurants to warrant a visit. I thoroughly enjoyed my time sipping coffee by the church and gazebo in the town green, while local students met up, and a grandma watched her grandkids play hide and seek (and may have cheated a little!).

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There aren’t a lot of things to do in South Royalton, VT. It’s just a sleepy little town minding its own business. But there are enough things to do to warrant a few hours stop on a trip to Vermont and/or New England.

  • Good to Know: Since South Royalton is a small town, most of the restaurants and shops are not open everyday! Pay attention to opening hours when you plan your trip.

Get Coffee from First Branch Coffee

The first stop if you’re a Gilmore Girls fan visiting South Royalton, VT should be First Branch Coffee, a cute coffee shop right in downtown. I had a maple latte, which was delicious!

This is also where I got to converse with the locals, who tried to explain to me how to hike up to Kent’s Ledge.

It’s a super cute coffee shop to hang out in, or to get a coffee to go to enjoy in the beautiful town green.

  • First Branch Coffee is open everyday, 7:30am - 3pm.

Shop for Cornstarch in the South Royalton Market

I mean… you probably don’t actually want to buy cornstarch. But you can buy groceries, coffee, cute local products, and even beeswax Buddahs (which seems like a very Lorelai thing to buy) at the South Royalton Market Coop!

It’s a cute little store to wander around in, get a second cup of coffee, and maybe some unique local gifts.

  • South Royalton Market is open 7 days a week, pretty much all day.

Browse the Local Bookstore

No Stars Hollow town is complete without a local bookstore. And South Royalton, VT has a bookstore!

However… before you get too excited, Barrister’s Book Shop is actually the Vermont Law School’s bookstore, so all the books are law text books.

However… they still have cute gifts to buy, plus more coffee! You can even sit in the sunny window, drinking your third cup of coffee (coffee, coffee, coffee) and enjoying a book (preferably one you already brought with you).

So it is still worth checking out, even if you don’t want to purchase a used law text book.

  • Barrister’s Book Shop is open Mon.-Fri. 9am - 4pm.

Eat Tacos at Carlita’s Cantina

Tacos and beer is a perfectly Lorelai combination, and you can get them at Carlita’s Cantina in South Royalton! You can eat in, or order food to go and eat tacos in the gazebo in the town green!

  • Carlita’s Cantina is open Wed.-Sun. 11am - 8 or 9pm.

Eat Burgers at Worthy Burger

Worthy Burger looks amazing! Unfortunately they were closed when I visited, so be sure to plan your trip around their hours, so you can indulge in a delicious burger in a real life Stars Hollow town!

  • Worthy Burger is open Thur. 4 - 8pm, and Fri.-Sun. 12 - 8 or 9pm.

Eat at the Local Diner

Basically the main things to do in South Royalton are eating (not a problem for Gilmore girls!).

The local diner mentioned in the above video has since closed, but there was another diner opened when I visited: Grandma’s Griddle. And it looked like a perfectly Stars Hollow-esque place to eat!

  • Grandma’s Griddle is open everyday but Thursday, from 7am - 2pm.

Enjoy the Town Green

The best thing to do in South Royalton, VT is to enjoy the town green. This is the central focus of the town that makes it just like Stars Hollow! They have not one, but TWO gazebos, lots of picnic tables, a historic canon (maybe from George Washington’s second cousin…?), and a perfect view of the white steeple church (whose bells do go off every hour. And no one attempts to break them…)

It really is the perfect place to stop on a Gilmore Girls trip to South Royalton, VT. Get your coffee or tacos, bring a book, and just relax in the town green!

Or…! If you time your visit right, you can come when they’re having a local festival on the green!

Walk Along the River

The White River runs right through South Royalton, and is a popular place for locals to hang out.

There is a short walk down to the river from the parking lot at the Vermont Law & Graduate School.

It’s not much of a walk, but it’s pretty and peaceful. A lot of people walk their dogs down there, and in the summer, it’s a popular spot for kayaking or tubing down the river.

Explore the Campus of Vermont Law School

Exploring the campus of the Vermont Law & Graduate School is not like taking a tour of Yale. It’s a tiny little campus, with not too much for outsiders to see.

However, it is pretty, and there are some chairs and picnic tables, so it’s not a bad place to take a quick walk or sit to read/enjoy a coffee.

They do occasionally host events, like community day or seminars, so if you’re feeling especially smart, you might consider attending. Just make sure of the location, as some things take place at their Burlington campus.

Hike Kent’s Ledge…?

Ahh, Kent’s Ledge…

As I alluded to above, I am not sure what to do with Kent’s Ledge. I often found it listed as a thing to do in South Royalton, and I’ve read it’s very popular with the law students.

But I’ve also read people comment, “Those signs are up for a reason. Why would you go up there??!!?!”

And since I’m me… I chickened out and didn’t do it. However, Kent’s Ledge is supposedly a very popular hike in the area, so if you want to try it, let me just leave you once again with this review of the hike.

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South Royalton, VT isn’t particularly close to anything, but there are some unique things to do in the area. I will have a later section with ideas for a longer trip, but for this section, I will just suggest some fun things to do that are within about 1/2 an hour drive from South Royalton.

Drink (more) Coffee at King Arthur Baking Company

I noticed the King Arthur Baking Company when I was perusing the map around South Royalton, and I immediately knew I had to go there! The attraction stood out to me because my mom uses their Vermont white cheddar powder in her (amazing!) local popcorn that she sells in Jamestown, NY.

Now, Lorelai and Rory might not be the world’s best bakers, but they would sure appreciate the delicious cafe, AND the free samples to be found in the (giant) flagship store! You can even buy a chocolate turkey to take to one of your four Thanksgiving dinners.

The King Arthur Baking Company is just under a 30 minute drive from South Royalton, and is definitely worth a visit.

See Where Joseph Smith was Born

Yes, that Joseph Smith (of Mormon fame). If you’re interested in historical attractions, or just want a good place to do some outdoor walking (maybe to walk off all the coffee and carbs you’ve just indulged in…), the Joseph Smith Birthplace Memorial is just down the road from South Royalton, VT. Who knew??

Try Maple Syrup at Sugarbush Farm

You can’t get more classic Vermonty than a visit to Sugarbush Farm, which is a 1/2 hour drive from South Royalton. They have free samples, photo ops, live animals, tours, and a cutesy little chapel in the woods.

You will have to drive a ways down a dirt road in the middle of nowhere to get here, but it is definitely worth the drive if you’re in the area.

Attend an Event at Billings Farm

Billings Farm & Museum is also a 1/2 hour drive (as most things are) from South Royalton. They have tons of events, including movie nights, carriage rides, and a harvest celebration, all of which would appeal to Gilmore girls (and me!).

Go Covered Bridge Chasing

Vermont is full of covered bridges, and there are quite a few of them that are close to South Royalton. So if that’s something you’re interested in, it is definitely one of the closest things to do to South Royalton, VT.

Here are some of the nearby covered bridges (there are MORE!). * indicates they are all along the same route:

  • Howe Covered Bridge - 6 min. drive*

  • Cilley Covered Bridge - 8 min. drive*

  • Mill Covered Bridge - 9 min. drive*

  • Larkin Covered Bridge - 13 min. drive*

  • Hyde-Kingsbury Covered Bridge - 13 min. drive**

  • Gifford Covered Bridge - 17 min. drive **

  • Braley Covererd Bridge - 18 min. drive **

Explore Quechee Gorge

I didn’t visit Quechee Gorge, but I read over and over again that it is one of the best things to do in Vermont, AND it’s under a 30 min. drive from South Royalton!

So definitely plan some time to explore this beautiful state park on your trip to Vermont.

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There is nowhere particularly close to South Royalton, VT to stay. It’s not really the sort of town you stay in. It’s mainly the sort of town you stop for coffee in on your way to somewhere else.

However, there are tons of cute Dragonfly-esque inns to stay in all over the state of Vermont, and none of them are too terribly far for a day trip to the South Royalton area.

I, personally, stayed in Stowe,VT, a super popular area about 1 hr. north of South Royalton. From pictures, I thought Stowe would be another perfect Stars Hollow town, but it’s a bit toooo busy for that vibe (literally the opposite of South Royalton!). It is still beautiful and magical and worth a visit though.

I think Woodstock would be the best place to stay for being close to South Royalton, and is one of the decidedly cutest small towns in New England.

The Woodstock Inn & Resort - Woodstock, VT

I read a lot about the Woodstock Inn & Resort in nearby Woodstock, VT, and I think if you’re going for Stars Hollow vibes, this is one of the best places to stay. It is one of the closest inns to South Royalton, and Woodstock is supposed to be one of the absolute prettiest small towns in America!

Plus, it’s close to lots of other great things to do as well.

The Woodstocker - Woodstock, VT

Another super cute option in Woodstock is The Woodstocker. It’s a little bed and breakfast that looks completely magical! It is expensive, but it looks so special!

The Shire Woodstock - Woodstock, VT

The Shire Woodstock is a better budget option for staying in Woodstock but not paying several hundred dollars a night (plus it’s called the Shire, which I love because LOTR vibes!)… It’s price and location (and name!) make this one of the best places to stay near South Royalton.

The Norwich Inn - Norwich, VT

Norwich is to the east of South Royalton, and is where the King Arthur Baking Company is located. The Norwich Inn would make a great base for visiting the area. They even have discounts if you’re coming for a baking class with King Arthur (be sure to check their website for other deals and specials).

The Partridge House - Norwich, VT

Another option in Norwich is the Partridge House, a small bed and breakfast in a cozy old house, with lots of cute sitting rooms.

The Brass Lantern Inn, Stowe, VT

I stayed at the Brass Lantern Inn in Stowe, VT. It’s a bit pricey, but I absolutely loved it. It reminded me so much of the Dragonfly Inn. Their cozy sitting rooms were perfect for drinking hot choccy and reading a book! Not to mention the hot tub with a view, and the homemade breakfast in the morning.

Stowe Village Inn - Stowe, VT

My other suggestion for staying in Stowe would be the Stowe Village Inn. This hotel looks absolutely beautiful, and is in a perfect location. You can easily walk to downtown or the scenic church viewpoint from the hotel. And since it is on the edge of downtown, it cuts out some of the busy Stowe traffic, especially when headed out toward Stowe Mountain Resort.

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You probably wouldn’t plan a trip to Vermont or New England just to visit South Royalton. But there are so many other great things to do in this whole area (even more Gilmore Girls things to do!), including the Ben & Jerry’s Factory Tour, which you can in fact plan a trip around (that was the reason I planned a trip to Vermont…)

Stowe, VT

As I’ve mentioned above, I stayed in Stowe, which is about an hour from South Royalton. There are so many great things to do close to that area, including scenic drives, maple syrup farms, the Trapp Family Lodge, AND the Ben & Jerry’s Factory Tour, which even has an ice cream flavor I’m pretttty sure was inspired by Lorelai Gilmore: Coffee coffee buzzbuzzbuzz.”

Connecticut & Yale University

It’s not a terribly long drive from Vermont to Connecticut, so if you’re coming all the way to New England for Gilmore Girls related travel, you might as well hit up ALL the Gilmore Girls spots!

From small towns and cozy inns to the capital city of Hartford and New Haven’s Yale University, there are so many great things to see in Connecticut!

Boston & Harvard

Boston, MA is one of my favorite cities in the entire world, AND is a great place to fly into for a New England road trip. Not to mention it’s the home of the illustrious Harvard University, which the Gilmore girls themselves took a road trip to in season 2 (which, if you do visit Harvard, be sure to grab a donut from the Blackbird Donuts on campus! Their campus has a lot more to see and do than the Vermont Law School campus…).

Cape Cod/Nantucket/Martha’s Vineyard

There are so many places to see in New England, but I’m only recommending places that have some tie to Gilmore Girls (and that I’ve personally been to!).

I added a stop at Cape Cod and Nantucket on my road trip to Vermont, mostly because my cousins own a great escape room on Cape Cod. But then I decided to visit Nantucket (literally because of the Gilmore Girls revival), and it was my favorite stop on the whole trip!

The SECOND gazebo in the South Royalton green!

I hope this helps you plan a Gilmore Girls visit to South Royalton, VT, one of the best real life towns like Stars Hollow there is (and if you find how to get the aerial view of the town green, be sure to let me know)!

Any more questions?

If you have any questions about visiting South Royalton, Vermont, or the New England area, don’t hesitate to email me or comment below.

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This article was written by: Julia Rexford