Year visited: 2024
Time of year: October
Scenic Drives in Stowe, VT
I’mma be honest with you… I was hesitant to drive the Auto Toll Road in Stowe, VT.
I’d read a lot of reviews about it (but oddly enough couldn’t find any actual articles on the subject, so here you go; you’re welcome!), that ranged from “It’s so amazing, you have to do it,” to “This is absolutely horrible. Why would anyone do it???”
Not to mention the steep (no pun intended) price for the drive.
I had originally just been trying to find out where the “scenic drive in Stowe” that I had read about was, which, as it turns out, was not referring to the Auto Toll Road. The scenic drive I wanted to do was through Smuggler’s Notch (which is free!) (and less scary!).
But instead, Google presented me with this option. And since I couldn’t find any detailed information on the drive, I decided that somebody (me) had to drive the drive and share the info.
So here you go. Here is my detailed guide to driving up (and down) the Auto Toll Road in Stowe, VT.
Watch a video of the drive:
What’s in this Article?
- What is the Stowe Scenic Auto Toll Road
- Auto Toll Road Cost & Hours
- Auto Toll Road Drive
- Hike at the Top
- Tips for the Stowe Auto Toll Road
- Compare to the Stowe Gondola Ride
- Compare to Smuggler’s Notch Scenic Drive
- Other Things to Do in Stowe
- Where to Stay in Stowe
- Is It Worth It?
What is the Stowe Scenic Auto Toll Road?

The Mount Mansfield Auto Toll Road in Stowe is a road for cars to drive up to the top of Mount Mansfield, Vermont’s highest mountain, without having to hike (not to be confused with the Mount Washington Auto Road in New Hampshire).
The road does not take you to the absolute top top. It takes you to the “nose,” and a hiking trail that leads 1.4 miles to the “chin,” the actual highest peak.
- See the route of the drive on the map below. Also marked in orange is the gondola starting and ending point, and in brown is the summit, or chin of Mount Mansfield.
Stowe Toll Road History
When people first populated the area around Mount Mansfield, they considered the mountain to be a wasteland that was useless for farming.
The mountain remained largely void of people, until a horse trail was built in 1870. Due to its popularity, it was expanded to be large enough for carriages in 1873.
The national rail company saw an opportunity to bring wealthy city folk out to the country to enjoy the natural beauty of the area, and so they invested money into a mountaintop resort and the local area, thus earning the village of Stowe its modern day reputation as a tourist hotspot.
In 1922, they spent $80,000 to upgrade the toll road to accommodate automobiles. The road reopened in 1923 as the Stowe Auto Toll Road that we know today!
It is open for cars, to take people to the top(ish) of Mount Mansfield in the summer and fall months. Then in the winter, the road is used as a ski trail, and is host to one of the oldest ski events in North America: The Stowe Derby.
- You can hear more of the history with this audio guide they made for the Auto Toll Road’s 100th anniversary (2023). It’s about 15 minutes long, and is a good listen as you drive up the mountain.
Toll Road Cost & Hours

Auto Toll Road Hours:
The toll road is not open for cars all year long; it is still used as a ski trail in the winter (plus… it’s probably not a good idea to try to drive up it in the winter…).
Check their website for the most up to date hours, but typically the road will be open at these times:
- End of May – end of October
- 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
- Good to Know: Do be aware though, that some days the road will be closed for special events or inclement weather. Be sure to check the website for information about when the toll road is closed, like for the Race to the Top of Vermont.
When is the best time to drive the Auto Toll Road?
I think the best time to drive up the toll road in Stowe is in the fall, though it will be beautiful anytime. The fall foliage only goes partway up the mountain, and then it switches to pine trees, so it won’t affect the gorgeous mountain views at the top.
But I went in the very beginning of October, and the foliage for the first half of the drive was beautiful!
- Good to Know: The higher the elevation, the sooner the foliage changes color. So even though it was about a week before peak when I visited on October 2, the foliage on the toll road was at peak.
Auto Toll Road Cost:
It is not free to drive up the Auto Toll Road in Stowe. The price may change year to year, but in 2024 the cost was:
- $35 per car with one driver, plus tax
- $13 for each additional passenger in the car (plus tax)
The total I paid for one person in 2024 was $37.45. You have to pay with a credit card; cash is not accepted. You will pay at the toll booth right at the start of the drive. They will also give you instructions for the drive when you pay the toll.

Can anyone drive up the Auto Toll Road in Stowe?
The toll road is open for the public to summit Mount Mansfield. You do not need to be a guest of Stowe Mountain Resort; anyone can drive up.
However, it is for cars only. As in no motorcycles and no campervans. Regular passenger vans and trucks are ok, but it does say no “dually trucks.” Which… I don’t really no what that means to be honest. But I’m assuming if you have a dually truck, you know what that means!
Stowe Auto Toll Road Drive

There are so many things to say about the Stowe Auto Toll Road drive (and so many pictures)! Let’s start at the very beginning (a very good place to start) (also a very relevant reference, as the von Trapp family actually settled in Stowe!).
How long is the Auto Toll Road drive?
The drive on the Stowe Auto Toll Road up Mount Mansfield is 4.5 miles long. It takes about 20 minutes to get up to the top without stops.
I went about 12 mph on average going uphill.
Between paying at the toll booth, driving up, hiking to the first viewpoint (the short hike, not all the way to the chin), stopping for pictures, and the drive back down, the whole thing took me about an hour and a half.
How narrow is the road (IS IT SCARY???)?
The toll road is narrow! It is just wide enough to fit two cars (though in some places it seems absolutely not wide enough to fit two cars!!!).
I did pass cars along the way, both coming and going. Sometimes I would pull off to the side a bit (if there was room) to let another car pass.
- Good to Know: Cars going uphill have the right of way.
That being said, there were some moments where it looks like you are literally on the edge of a cliff!!! Thankfully, when I was passing these sections of the road, there were no other cars coming the other direction. Because honestly I don’t think I could have done it.
Oh! Also the roads do get very windy at times (lots of switchbacks).
And bumpy!

How busy is the Auto Toll Road?
The toll road is a popular attraction in Stowe. There were a good number of cars going up and down the road while I was there, plus hiking on the trail at the top.
However, it was not crowded. There were plenty of stretches where I had the road to myself, or viewpoints with only one or two people.
- For reference, I drove up the road about 1:00 pm on a Wednesday afternoon the first week of October.
Are there places to stop along the way?
Yes, there are several pull off places to park and get pictures as you’re going up (or down) the mountain.
Some are just a little extra space for your car to pull off, especially in the first half of the drive. But at all the main stops and viewpoints there are fairly large parking areas.
There is a little chapel that was built in the 1980’s about halfway up. It was not open when I went up, but I’ve read they do Sunday morning services there. I also spotted a sign through the window saying the “chapel is open today,” so obviously it’s open on some days to explore.
Once you pass the chapel, that’s when the real mountain views start to show up, and there will be several big places to stop and enjoy the view.

The Mountain Chapel (about halfway up). There is a large parking area here.

Will you see fall foliage on the Auto Toll Road?
The first half of the drive is through a magical forest that is beautiful in the fall!!! I really enjoyed driving through all the colorful fall foliage.
Once you get a ways up the mountain, it will switch to pine trees. This is when you will start seeing those amazing mountain views and understand why the von Trapp family would be reminded of Austria.

Is there a visitor’s center at the top?
There is a visitor’s center and a large parking lot at the top of the mountain. There was also a staff member at the visitor’s center to answer any questions (like is there a real bathroom??).
There is not much actually in the visitor’s center. It’s mostly a tiny room with a few sciency displays about local wildlife and foliage.
The parking lot at the top was pretty full and can be difficult to find a spot in. Luckily someone left as I was attempting to squeeze in along the side behind a renegade row of cars.
There is also a hiking trail at the top which will lead to the “chin” of Mount Mansfield (the highest point).

Are there bathrooms on the Stowe Auto Toll Road?
And no, there is not a real bathroom inside the visitor’s center. But there is a row of porta potties!

Auto Toll Road Hike

Once you get to the top of the Auto Toll Road, you will be in a parking lot next to the porta potties, and just below the visitor’s center. There is really not much of a view right here.
There is a hiking trail you can take though, to get to better views. And the good news is, you don’t have to go super far! It’s the Long Trail, and it goes from the parking lot to the highest point in Vermont. The Long Trail actually starts at the base of the mountain, and if you’re a little bit crazy (or just in good shape, I guess), you can hike all day to get to the top!
Otherwise, just meet up with the Long Trail from the parking lot. And then you can hike the 1.4 miles to the chin.
Or, if you don’t want to hike all that way, you can just hike about 10 minutes (this puts you somewhere along the “lips” I think…) for the first open viewpoint.

The Hiking Trail
The hiking trail is fairly easy from here (as in, I could do it, and I don’t hike).
I saw a lot of families with kids. Like, tiny kids! Like, tiny kids that could barely walk. And they just waddled around on top of this mountain, like, no big deal.
Personally, I was a little bit terrified for them. Also let me just take this moment to say: DON’T DO THIS HIKE/DRIVE IF YOU’RE AFRAID OF HEIGHTS!
Once you come out of the woods, you’re going to be on top of a big white rock, and just kind of climb this randomly shaped white rock in between the guideline ropes.
It’s honestly not like any mountain I’ve ever seen before (not that I really climb many though…)

Tips for Driving the Stowe Auto Toll Road

A parking pull off along the Stowe Auto Toll Road.
If you decide to drive up the Mount Mansfield Auto Toll Road in Stowe, here are some helpful tips for the drive:
Chew Gum
I chewed gum on both the way up and the way back down. This helped keep my ears from popping too badly with the elevation changes (and to keep my stomach calm around all the scary bends!).
Take some Dramamine for motion sickness
If you struggle with motion sickness, you may want to take some Dramamine before you drive up the Auto Toll Road.
I actually had brought some with me for the ferry to Nantucket in Massachusetts, and I really wished I had taken it on this drive! The way up was fine, but I was getting pretty nauseous from all the switchbacks on the way down.
DON’T do the Stowe Auto Toll Road if you’re afraid of heights!!
If you are afraid of heights, this is NOT the thing for you. Smuggler’s Notch would be a much better drive, but I would definitely not go up Mount Mansfield.
Put the car in low gear for the descent
Ok, I’mma be honest… They told me to put my car in low gear when I first paid at the toll booth, but I thought “I have an automatic. It only has one gear…”
About halfway down I looked down at my console and realized that I do have an “L” for low gear available…
We can’t all be smart about everything!
My car did alright coming back down the mountain, but they do suggest you put it in low gear to help your brakes with the steep descent. Just go slowly and take your time.
Is it cold on top of the mountain?
It can be colder (and windy!) when you get to the top of the Auto Toll Road. In my personal experience it was a bright sunny day in the 60s (F), and I actually got hot at the top from hiking.
But I would bring a hat and an extra layer, just in case. It really depends on the day.
When is the best time of year to drive the Auto Toll Road in Stowe?
I think early October is the best time to do this scenic drive! I was there the first week of October, and the foliage up the mountain was perfect. It turns a little earlier in the higher elevations than it does down below, so even though I was about a week before peak foliage, it was peak foliage on this drive!
That being said, the mountain views at the top are not going to change from summer to fall, so anytime is good!
Compare to the Stowe Gondola Ride

I was content (based on my research) to ride the Gondola Skyride up the mountain for the mountain views, and drive Smuggler’s Notch for the scenic drive. But I decided to drive the toll road so I could share with everyone how it was, and accurately compare all three attractions.
The gondola ride was also very expensive; over $40 a person. And I also got a little nervous riding up in the gondola, especially because because it kept stopping. So you also do not want to do this activity if you are afraid of heights!!!
Other than the random stopping in the middle of the route, the gondola ride was pretty relaxing, with a nice view. Then there are sweeping views over the fall foliage and and surrounding countryside. However, in my opinion, the views are nowhere near as good as the views on the toll road.
There is also a restaurant, waffle house, and gift shop at the top (and bathrooms—real bathrooms!). I really enjoyed eating a waffle drenched in maple syrup and chocolate syrup at the top of mountain. However, as I said, the views were not as impressive as what I had just seen.
- Good to Know: If you want to eat at the Cliff House Restaurant, it is good to make a reservation.

Compare to Smuggler’s Notch Scenic Drive

The scenic drive I intended to do (without having to drive up a mountain) was Smuggler’s Notch drive (which I also did!). This short drive winds through Smuggler’s Notch Pass, from the Stowe Mountain Resort to Jeffersonville.
Like the toll road, it is only open in the summer through the fall. The road does get windy, but not in the crazy same way as the toll road. It also does not take you up a mountain, although it does gain a little elevation.
I did this drive at 9 am on a Wednesday morning, and it was busy, but not overly crowded. I have read that it can get very busy and crowded later in the day though.
I thought this drive (especially in the early morning light) was magical and beautiful. You can see Mount Mansfield as you drive from Stowe Village towards Jeffersonville, and then along the drive you just see lots of beautiful leaves and windy roads.
It’s not the same sort of view as the gondola and toll road, looking down on wide epic vistas, but it was fun and magical (very good for fall foliage!). I really enjoyed this drive (also, it’s FREE!), just make sure you go earlyish in the morning to avoid too many crowds.

Other Things to Do in Stowe, VT

There are so many things to do in Stowe, VT in absolutely every season. Let me just leave with a few ideas of other things to do if you plan to visit the area and drive up the mountain:
- Visit Trapp Family Lodge
- See the church from the viewpoint
- Hike Sunset Rock for more good church views
- Shop/eat in downtown Stowe (just know it will be crowded!)
- Shop/eat at Cold Hollow Cider Mill (just know, it also will be crowded!)
- Tour Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Factory
- Visit one of many nearby cider/maple farms
Where to Stay

There are a lot of places to stay in and around Stowe, VT. Accommodation does tend to fill up pretty quickly, so try to book about 1 year in advance. I booked my October trip in November the year before (during a Black Friday sale on Booking.com!), and there were not a lot of options left at that time.
Brass Lantern Inn
I stayed at the Brass Lantern Inn, and I loved it! It was a little pricey, but you get a lot for what you spend. It is very close to downtown Stowe, had super cozy sitting rooms and an outdoor hot tub with a view, and fresh homemade breakfast every morning with apple cider from Cold Hollow Cider Mill and maple syrup from down the road!
Stowe Village Inn
My second choice, after having been to Stowe, would be the Stowe Village Inn. This cute inn was in a perfect location for walking around downtown Stowe or walking to the popular church viewpoint (no worries about parking!). It’s also located closer to the toll road, gondola and Smuggler’s Notch drive, so you can eliminate some of the traffic of driving through downtown Stowe.
Stowe Mountain Resort
It would be nice to stay at Stowe Mountain Resort, home of the Gondola Skyride, Auto Toll Road, and lots of shops and restaurants. Not to mention the skiing and other activities. You can stay at Stowe Mountain Resort at the Lodge at Spruce Creek.
Other cute sounding places to stay:

The view coming back to the beginning of the Stowe Auto Toll Road scenic drive.
Is it worth it?
So the ultimate question: Is the Stowe Auto Toll Road worth it? Worth the cost? Worth the actual drive???
Um… I guess it depends on who you are. I tried to give you as much information and photos here to help you decide for yourself if it’s worth it or not.
Personally, I thought the views were amazing and it was definitely a fun and unique thing to do. It was also (by far) the least crowded activity I did. However, I would not do it again. I definitely preferred Smuggler’s Notch Drive, and was a little stressed out by the toll road.
BUT, they were by far the best views I saw, so if you want really good views and you don’t want to hike (and you’re not afraid of heights!), consider this beautiful drive.
Any more questions?
If you have any more questions about driving up to Mount Mansfield Auto Toll Road in Stowe, be sure to email me or comment below.
Or if you have any more tips or thoughts you want to share, please feel free to comment below!
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- Smuggler’s Notch Scenic Drive in Stowe, VT
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Julia is a travel blogger with a Bachelor’s Degree in photography from Indiana Wesleyan University. She worked as a professional photo-retoucher for seven and a half years, before leaving the company to work in the travel industry. She now works at a historic 1800’s hotel. When she’s not working, she’s reading fantasy novels or classic literature, and planning trips to magical destinations.
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